UV Dynamics
Located in London, Ontario, Canada, UVDynamics is a Castle Circuits Inc. business group that designs and manufactures ultraviolet water and air disinfection systems. Prior to entering the ultraviolet disinfection market in 2001, the principles of the company were involved for over twenty five years with some of North Americas largest UV OEM's . Our experience includes control components, UV detection systems and UV power source components for residential, industrial, commercial and wastewater UV systems. All of the UV power sources of our UV disinfection systems are designed and manufactured in-house. Our UV power sources are not merely adaptations of power sources used for lighting, but are application specific products designed to optimize the UV output and lifetime of the UV lamps.
All of our water disinfection chambers are designed using specialized CAD tools to predict performance. The performance of all chambers has been third party validated using industry accepted test protocols.
Our products are fabricated in our London facility using highly automated processes, ensuring high quality products at a competitive price.
We are confident that once you become a UVDynamics customer, you will stay a UVDynamics customer